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What prose styles tell us about our minds
English prose styles change through time like musical or artistic styles, but within the period of a dominant style people ...

She broke through fear to give students a better life
Our world would be better if we honored those applying their genius to humbly help others and paid less attention ...

A good coach helps you think outside yourself
Sometimes a coach can offer a single insight that makes all the difference. I discovered this recently on the squash ...

Now is the time for moral courage
My last piece attracted a lot of attention because it was about physical courage and worthy sacrifice. Now we need ...

What I learned from a man who was eaten by a bear
What is a good man? That question always makes me think of a story I wrote as a newspaper reporter ...

This is not my beautiful life
I’m fascinated by stories of abrupt, drastic life changes. They light up the far corners of what’s possible. That knowledge ...

Here’s the path out of editing hell
Bad editing is torment. Office workers know what I am saying. After unclear initial direction, a document goes around and ...

When to make big decisions about your writing
Photo of Philip Roth / Yesterday I completed final revisions on two books, both of them projects I started more ...

Charles Wohlforth has written many of his own books, has ghost-written others, and helps many writers find their own way into print. Learn how to work with Charles.
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